Monarda punctata (Seed)

[HORSEMINT (seed)]


Monarda punctata  (Seed)
Category: Seeds
Longevity: B - HP (zones 4-9)
Lighting Conditions: FS
Average Height: 2 FEET
Uses: A B C H M N O
Code: MON110X

Dense whorls of showy yellow flowers spotted with purple. The plant prefers dry sandy soil. The leaves are slightly stimulant with a strong mint/oregano scent; the oil is used in liniments for neuralgia and muscular rheumatism for people as well as for horses. Contains Thymol which makes it antisepic. Native to the Great Plains. Packet(Standard): $3.50; 1/8 oz: $6.00; 1/4 oz: $11.50; 1/2 oz: $22.00; 1 oz: $42.00 - 61,000 seeds/oz

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