Alchemilla vulgaris



Alchemilla vulgaris
Category: Potted Plants
Longevity: HP (zones 4 to 8)
Lighting Conditions: PS-FS
Average Height: 12 INCHES
Uses: E M O
Code: ALC10

Alchemists thought that the dew collected from the pleated, fan-shaped leaves was the purest form of water and collected it in their endeavors to create gold. The genus name may come from the Arabic word al-kymia (alchemy). Leaf tea has been used to treat menstrual disorders, rheumatism, and as an astringent. The leaves themselves have blood-clotting, astringent and styptic properties. One of the most attractive, drought-resistant ground covers. Prefers a moist, humus-rich soil. Numerous sprays of small, yellow-green flowers. Cut back after flowering to produce a fresh flush of leaves.

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