Longevity: HP (zones 3 to 9) |
Lighting Conditions: PS-FS |
A hollyhock relative; the flowers are similar in shape, but smaller and generally pink to white. A coarse plant with fuzzy, ovate, toothed leaves. One of the most widely-used plants in herbal medicine, due to the soothing qualities of mucilage found in the entire plant. Marshmallows were originally made by boiling down the roots and adding sugar. The young tops and leaves can be chopped into soups and stews, and the root can be added to other herbs for a demulcent tea. A poultice made from the root has been used in the treatment of boils. An effective anti-inflammatory inside and out. Usually found growing in damp meadows, streambanks and marshes(of course) it does well in average garden soil in full to part sun. If the growing season is exceptionally dry it will benefit from occasional deep watering.